
Diabetes-Friendly Store Bought Snacks that Are Good for Blood Sugar

Diabetes-Friendly Store Bought Snacks that Are Good for Blood Sugar

Diabetes affects over 34 million Americans. This disease causes blood sugar levels to be high because your body cannot regulate the glucose level. Generally, it is because your body doesn’t produce a sufficient amount of insulin, or your body isn’t using the insulin that is produced. Without insulin, your body cannot transfer the sugar in your blood into your cells to use for energy.

It is crucial that the blood sugar level not be too low or too high.Two ways that blood sugar levels are controlled is through diet and medication. The symptoms of diabetes include frequent trips to the bathroom to urinate, persistent hunger, increased thirst, often feeling tired, blurry or poor vision, weight loss, and tingly feeling in hands and feet. Another symptom is slow healing. Over time, diabetes leads to poor circulation that slows down healing. Here are five snacks that can help to maintain the proper blood sugar levels:

1. Orville Redenbacher’s SmartPop
Popcorn is a low-fat and low-calorie snack making it a smart choice for diabetics and non-diabetics alike. It is considered a whole-grain food and contributes to the daily recommended amount of fiber in your diet. It helps you to feel full longer. With a low glycemic index, popcorn is absorbed by the body at a slower rate and does not cause a spike in blood sugar. Popcorn is easy to eat. To avoid overeating, measure the desired amount first.

2. Dannon Activia Dairy Drink
Packed with nutrition, this drink is an ideal on-the-go snack. It provides protein, vitamin D, calcium, and probiotic bacteria. Protein helps satisfy your hunger longer because it takes longer to digest. The drink also has calcium and vitamin D, both of which are essential for strong bones. Some studies have suggested that probiotic bacteria are beneficial to people with diabetes and reduce glucose and insulin levels. It is a good idea to read the label and choose varieties that have low sugar.

3. Nature Valley Crunchy Granola Bars
When your blood sugar dips and you need a quick bite to bring it up, a granola bar is a solution. These bars are low in fat, have a healthy amount of whole grains, some fiber, and a satisfying crunch. Cholesterol-free, these individually-wrapped bars are easy to take with you.

4. Sun Chips
Chips are the quintessential snack food, and they can be part of your diabetic-friendly diet. Select varieties that are made from whole grains and are low in fat. To avoid having too many carbs that result in a spike in glucose levels, purchase single-serve packages, or make your own by measuring out portions.

5. StarKist Solid White Albacore Tuna in Water
Canned tuna is a convenient snack that requires very little or no preparation. High in protein and omega-3 fatty acids, tuna by itself has no carbohydrates. It is absorbed slowly by your body and does not cause your blood sugar to rise. By selecting tuna packed in water instead of oil, you are keeping this a low-calorie food. If you prefer to make a tuna salad, make it healthy by choosing the ingredients that are low in carbs, fat, and salt.