
Foods to Avoid with Ulcerative Colitis

Foods to Avoid with Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative colitis is a type of inflammatory bowel disease (or IBD) of the digestive tract. Colitis, in particular, results in the chronic inflammation of the large intestine. Symptoms of ulcerative colitis include weight loss, stomach pain and cramps, diarrhea or constipation, and may include blood in bowel movements. The condition develops slowly and symptoms can be mild or moderate, similar to Crohn’s disease, which is another type of IBD. 
Here are some foods to avoid to help alleviate the symptoms of ulcerative colitis

1. Butter or margarine
Butter is a dairy product which will be discussed below. Margarine is a processed food designed to be a substitute look alike for butter. These are foods high in fat although different types of fat. They need to be excluded from the diet of anyone who is prone to developing ulcerative colitis or already has the symptoms. The simple fact is the consumption of batter or margarine will make the condition worse. The object is to manage the problem. Diet is extremely important

2. Carbonated beverages
Doctors often recommend managing Crohn’s disease and colitis symptoms with dietary restrictions. One element of carbonated beverages is carbonic acid. It is the substance that puts the fizz in soft drinks. It also creates gas in the body. This is the reason people sometimes burp after drinking a soda. It is a way to release the gas. The gas also goes into the digestive tract. Any irritant that creates inflammation aggravates ulcerative colitis. These beverages also contain caffeine which will be discussed next

3. Coffee or caffeine
Coffee, like the beverages mentioned above, contain caffeine. Caffeine is a stimulant. That is the reason millions of people drink it in the morning. It gives a shot of energy to the body. It also stirs up the intestines. That is the exact opposite of what a person with ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease needs. They need food that calms down the intestines. Both sodas and coffee with their high concentration of caffeine are potent problems. Resist the temptation to consume either one

4. Corn
The problem with this vegetable or whole grain is the body’s inability to properly digest the food. It is very hard to break it down so it stays in its current state throughout the digestive system. The common thread with all these foods is their effect on the inflammation in the intestine. This food can cause diarrhea for any person. The sufferer of colitis is especially vulnerable to its effects. It is not worth aggravating the problem. Do not eat corn.

5. Dairy products
These products contain sulphur (sometimes spelled sulfur). This substance has the potential to aggravate the symptoms of ulcerative colitis. Sulphur becomes hydrogen sulphide due to bacteria in the digestive tract. It may not be a problem for most people but for anyone with colitis of any kind it can trigger painful reactions. If you experience any problems, avoid all dairy products

A person diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, or irritable bowel syndrome all suffer from chronic inflammation of the colon or part of the intestine. There are medications for Crohn’s and colitis, which can be prescribed for moderate cases. A patient who abstains from the above foods may find a significant difference in the severity of symptoms. There is no cure for ulcerative colitis, but it can be managed. One of the best ways to follow a strict diet as outlined above.