
Foods To Avoid for Heartburn

Foods To Avoid for Heartburn

Many people suffer from heartburn which is a form of indigestion that is most commonly felt in the chest and throat area. Heartburn causes a burning sensation in the chest as well as the throat and even down the neck. Heartburn may also cause fluid to back up into the throat causing a vomit like feeling. For many heartburn is caused and worsened by certain foods. Below is a list of foods and things to avoid if you suffer from heartburn:

1. Spicy food

For many individuals spicy food is one of the number one heartburn causes. Not only do the spices irritate the esophagus but they also may slow down the rate of digestion causing for food to back up into the throat area. For those who still want to enjoy spicy food try going with mild spice or mixing it with some sort of dairy such as sour cream which helps to coat the esophagus.

2. Smoking

Although smoking may not necessarily cause acid reflux or heartburn it can contribute to making it worse. The nicotine in cigarettes relaxes the muscles in the lower esophagus which works to keep acid in the stomach. When these muscles become relaxed acid then creeps into the esophagus causing a burning sensation in the chest and throat.

3. Alcohol

For many individuals alcohol does increase the production of stomach acid which then in turn makes its way into the esophagus which causes heartburn. There are many different wines and alcohol’s that are acidic which exacerbate acid reflux.

4. Citrus

Citrus is a very common trigger for many individuals who suffer from GERD and heartburn. Researchers believe it is due to how acidic lemons are. Most individuals suffer even more when eating citrus foods on an empty stomach as there are not enough stomach acids to break the fruit down. Instead avoid citrus fruit juices and citrus fruits especially on an empty stomach.

5. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are one of the number one triggers for heartburn. Not only are they very acidic but they can also be very heavy on the stomach at times. Not only are fresh tomatoes a heartburn trigger but so are tomatoes that are found in different pasta sauces as well as pizza sauce. Many individuals will find after eating pasta they have more gas and burning in their esophagus area.

These are just a few of the heartburn triggers. Some other key heartburn triggers include garlic, coffee, chocolate, fried food, onions and peppermint just to name a few.